Hogan Psychological Battery
Leadership Versatility Index (LVI)
MHS EQi2.0
Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP I & 360)
Belbin (SPI & Observer) for individual/team roles
Business results are paramount. Learning, development takes place on the fly. In this environment, coaching provides this learning and support, incorporates new skills, broadens individual style and approach, and enables leaders to acquire a deeper understanding of themselves and healthy self-acceptance, in a cost-effective, expeditious manner. Results include self-sustaining behaviors with far-reaching, positive effects cascading down to constituents. The leadership choice available is to recognize the value of people as assets and intellectual capital – in one’s actions and behaviors – this realization, plus feedback, enables sustainability.
For business unit leaders already heading up intact teams, we blend practical learning and coaching to develop deeper insight and capabilities that will increase the team’s management and leadership capacity.
Learn who we are and what we can do with our
Coaching Toolkit below!
Exelligence provides a personal multi-faceted learning model of coaching rooted in science, using a transparent and discovery process designed to help clients be more effective in their role. Starting from where we want to end up, we employ a unique leader-led coaching model that’s targeted to sustain the commitment the client makes to specific changes and improve a leader’s workplace effectiveness through developing better conversations, relationships, and engagement with their team, going forward.
Given the greater complexity in the workplace; organizations are flatter, spans of control greater, managers are expected to do more with less, and the pace of change is extraordinary. Successful managers often rise in an organization through functional expertise and achievement and perhaps, not their leadership capabilities or qualities. The pre-existing levels of personal development could not always anticipate or, may not have equipped senior managers to effectively deal with the challenges they face in these new environments. They typically bring learned behaviors and patterns that may have served them well in the past to these new levels of increased responsibilities and can capitalize on the support coaching provides. Situations such as those described above require greater agility, flexibility, emotional resilience, skills germane to a leadership role, mature interpersonal skills and resources– to positively influence others, partner for accountability with constituents and peers - to achieve business results.
In coaching initiatives, Joe combines psychological training, experience and insight with a broad business background, including P&L, line and corporate level leadership and managerial experience in pharmaceuticals and diverse services industries.
He enables clients to enhance the power of their leadership presence skill set – including self-regulation, being a compelling communicator, and reading the audience, and better conflict management, and has received praise from clients for his candor, his business understanding, his passion for the client’s learning and his ability to provide concrete suggestions for improving client performance and business results.
Joe specifically supports his clients by raising their level of awareness with the use of customized assessments, how an individual’s behavior and unique personality traits impacts others and how they are being perceived. He is recognized for using a strengths-based approach, recognizing potential barriers to success with a focus on bottom-line results.
Joe uses a unique combination of psychological expertise, assessment data, practical business knowledge, gained from years of experience in R&D, Manufacturing, Operations, General Management leadership and as a corporate officer, which makes him highly effective in helping leaders enhance their performance. Joe has coached and consulted senior executives in a variety of organizations and industries including financial services, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, utilities, media, luxury goods, publishing, technology, R&D, and engineering.
Followers provide the “horsepower” to organizational performance. As such, there is a need to give more thought to effective followership. Leaders wanting to build high performing teams need to be aware of the role followership plays in group dynamics and team performance.
Just as we spend a lot of time and effort on finding and developing leaders, if the same attention were put on understanding and developing followers, effective leaders would have to operate at a much higher level and the resulting impact will be significantly multiplied. As the world becomes more flat, technical and professional, organizations will need to become more the same and the role of leaders will evolve to where they slide back and forth between the roles of leader and follower. As a result, leader-led coaching of subordinates becomes more essential, and the skills of identifying, supporting their followers will be more important than ever in the past.
Sample Certifications in Assessment studies
MHS EQi2.0 (360)
Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP 360)
Becoming Conflict Competent
The Rocket Model for building high performing Teams
Actionable Conversations
Belbin (Observer/360) for team roles